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Our October Monthly Newsletter


The Silence Within


With a new season, comes change.

October signifies a shift in the seasons; those darker evenings; colder mornings and a natural impulse to retreat in the comforts of home. As the fiery tones of the Autumnal landscape signify the seasons transition, we are reminded of the transmutational fire within that assists change.


Change is challenging. But so is staying the same. It's generally when the pain of staying the same outweighs the pain of change that we begin to perceive and approach things differently. This month we are going to be exploring dropping into our internal home, to anchor us safely into our physical bodies, where the winds of change can blow all around us whilst we ground, maintaining our stability.


A sincere thank you to those who joined us throughout September, and to our supportive online following. Your comments and contributions are always welcome and much appreciated.


We have a full calendar of sound baths at various locations throughout October, all available to book now on our website.


Read on for our October news and join us on Facebook for updates.


Love as always, Rob.

Raising Frequencies and Funds - No.2 of 5


After another successful fundraising sound bath in September, we are pleased to be hosting one a month until the end of the year. The third fund raiser is on October 23rd at the same venue - Bronleigh House, in Neath. We are passionate about the local creative culture-scape and welcome you along to support the theatre with us. All of the proceeds go directly to the theatre.


Moving Inside Insole


We are thrilled to now be hosting our sound baths inside Insole Court's prestigious 'Drawing Room'. Insole Court is a remarkable building with a rich history surrounded by magnificent woodland. The rich acoustics in 'The Drawing Room' give the whole experience a new richness. And, due to continued popularity we now host twice a month inside Insole Court, so please book now to avoid disappointment.


Retreat - A Day at Insole Court


This month we will be hosting a full day retreat at our much loved Insole Court. The day-long immersion will include movement, meditation, mantra and sound. Please keep an eye on your inbox as more details and the link to book will be sent out via email soon.


October Sound Baths


4th Miners - Caerphilly (7pm) SOLD OUT

7th Insole Court - Llandaff (7:30pm)

9th Bronleigh House - Neath (7:30pm)

16th YMa - Pontypridd (7pm)

21st Insole Court - Llandaff (7:30pm)

23rd Bronleigh House - Neath (7:30pm)


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